Hanging Gardens Found!

Documentarians have entered the fray of archaeology. Archaeologists don’t like it, but the fact is that documentary filmmakers are often in a position to do things that academics simply can’t afford e.g., round up the world’s experts, pay for expensive tests such as DNA and Carbon-14, use robotic technology and think outside the box.
For years, the “Hanging Gardens of Babylon”, one of the ancient Wonders of the World, were deemed to be a myth. Now, Professor Stephanie Dalley from Oxford University, working with a documentary team from Channel 4, thinks she has figured out where the Hanging Gardens were – Syria, not Babylon! It seems that, as has been the case with the evidence for the Biblical Exodus, Mycenae and Troy, archaeologists have been looking in all the wrong places.
I find the story in the UK Daily Mail intriguing. At last, documentarians are being quoted as an academic source instead of being criticized for not being academics.
Click here to see my recent article “Delilah Resurrected” on The Times of Israel.