I’m Speaking in Toronto
This upcoming Sunday night (December 8, 2013) at 7:30pm at Adath Israel Congregation in Toronto, I’m screening my film “The Exodus Decoded”. I’ll be there to introduce the film and to answer questions afterwards. “The Exodus Decoded”, which was executive produced and co-hosted by James Cameron (“Avatar”) basically provides the archaeological proof for the Biblical narrative. One of its more original contributions is to look for clues in Greece. Normally, everyone looks for archaeological proof of the Biblical Exodus in Egypt, the Sinai and Israel. But we know from archaeology that Minoans and Mycenaeans were present in lower Egypt at the time of the Exodus (approximately 1500 BCE). Doesn’t it make sense that some of these people returned to Greece with knowledge of the incredible events that occurred in the Nile Delta? Not surprisingly, in Akrotiri on the island of Santorini, 3500 year old perfectly preserved Minoan paintings have been found that depict Egypt just prior to the Exodus.

And in Mycenae grave steles have been found that are essentially three frames in a 3500 year old movie. They depict a man and a chariot (Pharaoh) chasing a man with a staff (Moses) across the parted sea. The man with the staff turns and faces his pursuer. The waters then engulfed the man on the chariot. What we did in the movie was animate the carvings on the grave stele so that we could see a 3500 year old video of the crossing of Yam Suf (the Red/Reed Sea).

If you want to see the movie and chat with me after the screening, come out to the event on Sunday. These screenings become quite lively affairs as people challenge, argue and agree with me.
For Torontonians, see you there. For non-Torontonians, invite me to a screening.
For tickets please call: 416-635-5340
Click here to see my recent article “Archeological detective work” on The Times of Israel