Incredible New Find May Be Related to King David and The Controversial Tomb of Jesus!

It’s an amazing find: an intact Temple column initially dated to the 10th century BCE i.e., the period of Davidic rule of ancient Judea. Remember, this is a big controversy in archaeological circles. The so-called Tel Aviv University school argues that King David and King Solomon did not exist, or if they did exist they were minor tribal chiefs not kings of a “united monarchy” as described in the Bible. Most archaeologists disagree with this minimalist position. Finds at Biblical Hazor, Megiddo, Gezer, Tel Motza, Khirbet Qeiyafa and the City of David contradict the minimalist position. But now there may be a smoking gun – an entire Temple or palace related to King David and his dynasty.

It was found by a tour guide, Benjamin Troper, near an unnamed Arab village close to Bethlehem. Apparently, it’s close to the security fence between the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel, so the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) chose not to publicize the discovery – or to research it – so as to avoid a possible political conflict. But now the story has come out. The find may be of unprecedented historical importance. After all, where there’s an intact column, there may be an intact palace. It’s simply too monumental to be related to a private home. There is an article in the English press but no photograph of the find: ( The Israeli press  – Makor Rishon and Ma’ariv – which broke the story has both picture and story. Check out the picture here in this article. Notice the symbol on top of the column. I’m trying to get better pictures but it sure looks like the mysterious symbol on the alleged Jesus Family Tomb in Talpiot, Jerusalem that you see below. If the column is related to David’s Kingdom; can it be that the symbol on the Jesus Family tomb is a statement of Davidic descent?

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