Simcha on Moses
In Toronto, lives a television guru. His name is Moses Znaimer. He is now head of Vision TV. He started City TV, which totally revolutionized television when it was founded in 1972. He stressed local, hip and casual. Among other things, he was the first to show the guts of television making e.g., the first to show people on phones behind newscasters, and the first to interview people in hallways. He was also the first to have multi-racial hosts on television.
In Toronto, Znaimer has an annual conference called “IdeaCity” where he showcases “out of the box” thinkers from various domains for a couple of days. The speakers range from physicists to jazz musicians. You can’t speak longer than your allotted time, no cell phones allowed and the idea is that original ideas can pollinate and give birth to ever more original ideas. I recently came across the talk that I gave at IdeaCity when my film on the archaeology of the Biblical Exodus, “The Exodus Decoded”, first came out: